Everyone counts, including Older Persons in Navarre

Storytelling is an activity with many emotional, social, intergenerational, and empathetic implications. Therefore, it incorporates many of the objectives and recommendations of experts to achieve greater well-being in older individuals, such as:

Relational aspects: Enhanced integration and participation of older individuals in society. In this program, being a volunteer activity, it promotes a compassionate form of social participation. Furthermore, it also encourages intergenerational interaction, which is a source of mutually beneficial exchanges for both parties.

The importance of stories as a means of emotional communication and the transmission of knowledge, values, and traditions cannot be overstated.

The acquisition of new knowledge that enhances intellectual and personal development is a need that persists throughout life.

Playful aspects, essential in all stages of life. Storytelling has a sense of play and entertainment that, in addition to other benefits, helps alleviate tension and anxiety.